Sunday, December 2, 2007

Excerpt from A Man Not Her Own - Coming Soon from The Wild Rose Press

Her fingers had begun to trace circles on his chest.

"My lord, as you know, neither of us intended to be wedded to each other," Marion said, stalling. He didn't even bother to comment. He just waited, dark and dangerous. Her heart fluttered. "Be that as it may, we are to be wedded and very shortly."
She stayed his protest with her hand on his chest. She hadn't meant to touch him, but it seemed entirely natural. Her fingers fanned out, enjoying the thrum of his heart underneath. "Please, this is going to be hard enough without constant interruptions. I pray you have patience and allow me to speak."
He inclined his head in agreement but she chose not to move her hand. "I am aware, sir, that it was at one time your intent to marry a woman named Constance." He opened his mouth to speak but she quickly continued, "Do not growl at me over it, sir, for I only speak the truth. Unfortunately, marrying your beloved is no longer an option." Unprepared for the briefest twinge in her heart, Marion hesitated. "I would not have you resent me for coming between you and your beloved Constance, my lord."
"You are growling again, Nicholas," she said, sighing. "If you cannot speak civilly to me then we will just have to postpone the wedding until you feel you can."
His midnight eyes flared briefly, then a muscle in his cheek flexed. "You have my assurances I will not resent you."
Marion studied him doubtfully. "Really? You don't seem at all sincere."
"Madam, if you think…"
She smiled to end his tirade. Her fingers had begun to trace circles on his chest. He didn't act as though he minded.
"Very well, Nicholas, if you will give me your word, then I will accept it."
"You have my word." His voice was cool. "Are you through?"
"Heavens, no, my lord. That was just the first part."

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