Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Monday Updates

Made it back and had a great time.

But now I need to get serious. I had given myself a deadline to finish Twice in a Lifetime of the end of June but there is no way for it to be finished by Wednesday. So, I am changing my deadline to have it finished by July 15th. Ah, well, it's my own deadline.

This will be a busy week at work and at writing as we come up upon the Independence Day holiday this coming weekend in the Unites States.

(yes, that is cutie Ashtyn)


  1. Go go go go go! You can do it! Go, Shawn!

  2. Good luck with the deadline!!

  3. Thanks for the encouragement. I definitely need it.

  4. As soon as you decide you WILL get it done, it will be done. You can buckle down like no other :)

  5. And Shawn said "Make it so" and she did. :)

  6. lol, I don't know. I intended to get it done by the end of June and it just ain't happening.

    But I am buckling down now!

  7. *whip cracking can be heard in the background*
