Monday, July 6, 2009

Sweet Reunion

I finished my work in progress (which means it is no longer in progress), Sweet Reunion, and I have a release date of September 20, 2009.

Here is the blurb in case anyone is interested:

Retired from the police force after a tragic shooting, Jason Sweet hasn’t been back to his hometown, Sutter’s Bay, for fifteen years. With his mother’s final days approaching, Jason returns to make peace with his mother and his past. Part of that past includes former best friend and lover, Danny Yarrow.

Danny’s satisfied with his life as a drama teacher at the local high school, but the one thing missing is the love of a good man. He’s only too happy to be reunited with Jason. They’ve both grown and changed since their broken teenaged relationship. Jason hasn’t had an easy time of it since leaving Sutter’s Bay, but Danny intends to convince his friend and lover their love is worth taking chances.

Once I get a cover, I will post it.

And now back to work on Ticket to Ride.


  1. Sounds like another book that I must get my hands on :D

  2. Sounds great, Shawn! Looking forward to it. Wow, you write fast!

  3. Thanks, Chris, I hope you will like it. :-)

    Barbara, I do write fast. I've written stories in four days before (Stone of Wrath is one). I don't recommend writing like that for the faint hearted. Not ALL stories are as fast, for instance it took me probably a good two months to write At Long Last. But I wrote The Squire in a week. I think Sweet Reunion took me a week and a half. I am a little crazy that way!

    Now, I give myself a couple of days to re-charge, but I should be back to writing by Wednesday.

  4. Sound so good Shawn..

    I am at a back log on your books - I have to step up my game...

    I love reunited love themed book...

    Good call.


  5. I read The Squire as well. I can't believe you wrote that in a week!! That's amazing!

    You should definitely give yourself longer than a couple of days to re-charge!!
