Sunday, June 28, 2009

Just Some Updates

Two guys kissing, sigh. Something so sexy about that.

Things are going along fine with Beyond the Norm coming from Dreamspinner. Got my draft cover and I think the final product will be great. They took my request for Kyle to appear Goth on the cover to heart which really pleases me. The blurb for the book is also done. I cannot wait for the book to make its debut later this summer.

Sweet Reunion is coming along well, too. I'm past the first two chapters and about to cross the 5,000 word mark. I submitted the forms to Amber Quill for it, too. I still intend to be finished with it by next Sunday, July 5, 2oo9.

Once Sweet Reunion is done I will return to full time work on Ticket to Ride so I can get that obligation (due September 01) out of the way and I can move on to something else.


  1. Congrats - on things going well for you.

    It's nice when all our ducks are in a row...


  2. Holy Shit they are sexy!

    I knew things would be looking up for you sweetie! Dreamspinner Press is lucky to have you as one of their writers. Believe me, they need you!
    The cover sounds Stunning. Can't wait to see it :-)

    You'll finish your book by the deadline with no problem.

    I am very happy for you sweetie. It's time things started going for the best!

    Love you.


  3. Congrats! You really must be inspired...could it be those hot pics ;)

  4. Yes, those hot pics are quite inspirationsl, lol
