I like to occasionally link to my website here in case readers have difficulty finding me. The more times it gets mentioned in places the better. Google is the only problem. I can be found easily with Yahoo and MSN search.
Making progress on Most Likely to Succeed. I hope to get well on my way to being finished by the end of this long weekend (MLK is a holiday for the day job). I don't know if I will be entirely finished, but I'd like to be close or at least seeing my way to the conclusion.
Originally this story was supposed to be part of a Pax collection for Amber Quill, but they didn't get enough stories, so I suspect it will be placed wherever there is a spot. Could still be in April though.
I've come up with a new story idea. It involves the brother of one of my heroes in my as yet to be released title, The Other Side. I needed another story to work on like I needed...well, you know. Title is Tempted to Taste. Look for that in the latter half of 2009.
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