Monday, January 12, 2009

January 12, 2009

Yesterday was a mix of good and bad.

Bad because my San Diego Chargers lost to the Steelers. It's okay, though, because they have a lot of talented players and heart and I know they'll be in the playoffs again next year.

Bad also because I didn't make any progress on Most Likely to Succeed over the weekend.

Good because At Long Last was released to brisk sales. That's always nice. And also good because I got a great review from Rainbow Reviews for Perfect Man.

The review reads:

"The title is appropriate. Especially as both main protagonists think the other is perfect. Neither are, but that’s the point of the story.

To say Craig has had a problematic past is an understatement. I really liked how we were gradually able to see what makes him tick. I fell in love with him, just as Alex did. There’s something about a strong man showing his vulnerable side.

Alex had the patience of Job. For the most part he hid his insecurities well. But when Craig needed him, such as the scene in Craig’s mother’s room, Alex put himself physically in front of Craig as a show of protection. This was awesome stuff.

The themes of forgiveness and healing from post traumatic stress were dealt with sensitively and were allowed to play out until they reached a natural conclusion. It was amazing how so much was packed into a novella length story. I have no hesitation in recommending this book."

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