I decided to start and complete Sorcerer’s Lover 2 because I don’t want to wait too long and leave the series dangling. I know that I have lots of releases coming and I didn’t want the second part of Warin and Benedict’s story to have to wait for months on end. I am anticipating there will be a Sorcerer’s Lover 3, though, so that will probably be in the later part of 2009.
Ray and Nick from The Other Side are also begging to be completed. Poor guys haven’t even had sex yet. I was going to have them go at it during their first date, but lately Nick has pushed back about that, so I think I will delay it perhaps a little for them. Not for too long, though. I think the conflict for these two is really going to work well. They are on such opposite sides of thinking about a particular issue that it’s really going to play havoc with them.
Then, I need to get to Jake and Damian for Jake’s Regret. I really have only a couple of pages written and it needs to be completed by the end of the year. I work well under pressures and deadlines, though, so I am honestly not too worried I won’t finish them in time.
I am hoping to get really far in Beyond the Norm as well by the end of the year. It doesn’t have to be completed by then, but I’d like to see it well on its way so that when I choose the publisher I’d like to send it to, it will be ready. Right now, I haven’t seriously made up my mind.
I hope to begin serious work on Undeniable right after the start of the New Year. All of my contracted work should be completed by then.
I also need to devote some time to a couple of projects under my other writing name.
I’m getting a few whisperings from Preston and Scott from my as yet unreleased story, At Long Last, that they might like a sequel. Stay tuned.
And finally there is my plan to turn my Regency ghost story into an erotic romance. The only question being do I want to keep it as a heterosexual erotic with Michael and Haley or do I want to turn Haley into Harry and make it a paranormal gay erotic romance? If any readers have opinions on that they’d like to share, do let me know.
paranormal erotic romance or paranormal gay erotic romance...I say go with Harry. ;)
Somehow I knew you'd say that, Ava