Monday, August 18, 2008

Monday Brings the Blues

So I'm finding myself a little more bummed about EC rejecting It's Only Make Believe then I first thought. I'm not sure why. I've been rejected before and I'll certainly be rejected again. But I'm still smarting a bit. I think it is most likely because I really believed it would be an offer. In the past when I have submitted my work there I always had it in the back of my head that it might be rejected. But it never was. Everything else I submitted there was accepted. Now, when I was so sure that IOMB would be accepted, it was rejected. It's thrown me a bit.

I think another reason is the explanation for the reject. I mean obviously no one has to give you a reason other than the standard "not right for us". But the reason given, "her behavior is too much like cheating" just doesn't make sense to me. I guess it would have made a little more sense if she'd said, "her behavior is too immature" or whatever. But cheating on a non-boyfriend just leaves me scratching my head.

I think the final reason this bothers me more than I originally thought it did was I really have nothing in the works now for EC and I'm in a bit of a panic about it. I lay awake last night trying to think of what I could write for them next. I had a vague idea of a detective working a murder case and finding out he knew the victim and his sister from years earlier. But the problem is I couldn't think of a lot of conflict for the couple. I can think more on it, but we'll see.

I'm working on Beyond the Norm but honestly I don't see that or Trust as EC. If IOMB was rejected there's just no way Beyond the Norm would be offered a contract. It's themes would be just too much I think. I think my next thing for EC would have to be a m/f pairing given the direction my boys are currently taking. I'm guessing Amber Allure for both of those stories right now.

So yeah, my current work is scheduled through February 2009 but I am still in panic mode. I want to keep work at all my publishers. And because I have nothing planned for EC at present I am troubled.

As for It's Only Make Believe, I have sent it to an editor at Samhain but I am not really hopeful on that score. I just decided I may as well take a chance that I could get in there as well, but I know the chances are small, realistically. Nicole (Ava) just got offered a contract for With Him, a lovely Regency gay story and I am very happy for her. I can add her to my list of must buy authors at Samhain. Now will will have one there and one at Loose-ID. I agree that her voice matches more with Loose-ID then it does with Ellora's Cave.

Anyway, even though IOMB has been sent to Samhain I am not going to stalk my emails. I am sure it will be weeks and weeks before I get a response. Whatever that may be. And if it is a rejection, then I have another publisher in mind for it. I love Sebastian and Melody and want to see them published.

I am stuck again on A Knight For All. I have several thousand words to add to make the word count and I am having trouble writing one word. I think what I have so far is good, though.

I have two releases coming in September, Another Chance coming September 03 from Ellora's Cave and Sorcerer's Lover coming September 27 from Amber Allure.

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