Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Continuing where I was a year ago

I was on the verge of giving up writing altogether. Heck to be honest, maybe I already had. I hadn't written anything new in years. Yes, years. I was heavily considering not renewing my RWA membership when it was due in August. What was the point? I was discouraged and depressed about it. After all I had signed with an agent (who since left agenting and I am not sure she was the best fit anyway) and still didn't sell.

Once in a while I would think vaguely "I really should write something". I had left unfinished partials of somewhere around ten manuscripts. I'd even make notations in my calendar that I would "write" over the weekend. Never did though. I got together with two online writer friends to have a "brainstorming" session over instant messaging. It started out promising but eventually one of those friends who was from Canada disappeared again. She had a habit of that. I think she decided to focus on more educational writing. Anyway, when she disappeared, the other two of us dropped the whole matter. I was growing more convinced by the day that giving up was my only option. I just didn't seem to care anymore.

I had renewed my chapter membership in the Hearts Through History online group, but only because as a board member at the time it was free. My loved ones were urging me to keep at it, not give up yet. Someone wanted to start an online critique group within the chapter and to be honest the board was not thrilled. Such things had been thought of before and fizzled due to lack of interest. But one member wouldn't take no for an answer and started it anyway. I decided to join the group myself. I think it was a way of forcing myself to write. So, I picked one of my stories out of the partials that I'd written just a prologue for and decided to work on that, Sinful. Another thing I did to force myself was to submit some old works to new publishers (new to me).

There were two really cool things about that group that I eventually left last Autumn. The first that it caused me to actually finish a first draft of something for the first time in years. The second was that I met my now good friend, Nicole (who has sold as Georgiana Earl).

Anyway, I would have never imagined when I gave up a year ago the direction my career has now taken. I have a new enthusiasm for writing, though admittedly it seems mostly contained within the erotic writing at the point. I am trying to get back into working on the more traditional romances I've written in the past. I'm just having so much fun working on the stories I am now. I also need to work on some longer length erotics (like my romantic suspense, Trust, hopes to be).

In real news:

Everything is set on our end (me and editor) for Another Chance so now I think we just wait for the release date people to declare a release date. There was a small glitch in the request for the cover for the book, but I think it is minor and easily solved.

I've officially posted my cover for Perfect Man (actually it has been up for a few days) and I simply love it. I can't stop looking at it so I put it as the background for my home computer. I am a geek, I know, but I really think it is superb. As Nicole said the cover alone would have me buying it. Really fantastic job from Ellora's Cave cover people.

I'll be sending the full of Sinful off to Samhain in the next few days. Just very minor tweaks to handle before it gets sent, but really it's just about ready. I'm worried that they won't dig the multiple points of view, but we'll see. I really think the story needs both villains' points of view. I suppose I could cut out Morton's but I love his character now that I'd really rather leave it in and it's only in there a time or two. But I am worried they will think it detracts from Mathias and Elizabeth especially since some folks seem to gravitate more toward Graham in the story than Mathias. We'll see.

I am supposed to be chatting tonight as Shawn on a Two Lips chat but a certain somebody wants to go to dinner because it is our usual "date" night. The chat is supposed to be all day though but not sure how many people will be around at 7:00pm pacific time.

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