Tuesday, July 5, 2011

June Best Sellers for Amber Quill

AMBER ALLURE / June 2011

1. Becoming His - Shawn Lane (Gay / Contemporary)

2. Between Sinners And Saints - Marie Sexton (Gay / Contemporary)

3. Sins Of Influence - India Harper (Gay / Contemporary)

4. Free Me - Brita Addams (Gay / Contemporary)

5. Your Whisper In The Dark - KC Kendricks (Gay / Contemporary)

6. Music Of The Night - M. L. Rhodes (Gay / Contemporary)

7. Static - L. A. Witt (Gay / Contemporary)

8. Catch Me If I Fall - Riley Knox (Gay / Contemporary)

9. All Work And No Play - Anah Crow & Dianne Fox (Gay / Contemporary)

10. Sex, Lies, And Edelweiss - J. L. Merrow (Gay / Contemporary)


  1. Congrats!!!

    Trying to remember which of your recent titles was added to Fictionwise yesterday with the author listed as "Scott Lane". :(

  2. Congrats. How is it feeling to see your name at the very top of the list? Good job.

  3. It is quite nice. It's happened a handful of times, but it never gets old, :D
