Saturday, April 23, 2011

This Is Important For Others To see

Please see the attached information about a very disturbing crime


  1. Shawn: That link didn't work, but this did:

    The incident itself is terrible, but add to that how so many of the people watching behaved... :(

  2. Hey thanks for the heads up - that is just horrible and I just read it... (My heart couldn't manage to watch it)

    I wonder about humanity sometimes...
    all the time if I am honest...

    Anyhow - Smooches and hugz from all the way over here...

    Hopefully I am back now - hope things are good with you, just read Accidentally His - LOVED IT...

    Happy Easter


  3. Hi EH, Nice to see you.

    To be honest I had trouble watching it as well and to think an employee FILMED it turns my stomach. I'm just glad the poor girl wasn't killed. It could have been even worse than it was.

    And so glad you enjoyed Accidentally His. :)
