Sunday, July 19, 2009

Until The End of Time Giveaway

Since I am back from my trip, I am starting the giveaway. I am feeling rather lazy though, so I am not going to make you work for it. Hell, if I don't want to work, why should you?

Why did I decide to do a sequel to At Long Last?

While I was writing At Long Last I had thoughts of continuing the story by having Preston dealing with telling his family of his sexual orientation and his relationship, but at the time I was writing it I was coming up on a big deadline as originally the story was supposed to be part of an Amber Allure Pax. That didn't work out but I didn't know that at the time. Anyway, so I pushed that idea out of my mind, but it wouldn't go away entirely. So really in a way, Until the End of Time is really the true ending of At Long Last.

So, if you want to win, comment here between now and Friday night and I will choose a winner. The book will come on the weekend after I receive my author copies.


  1. Hey Shawn! Count me in!

  2. LOL Shawn! I'm an idiot. I was skimming along through your post, and thought that when you asked "Why did I decide to do a sequel to At Long Last?" that that was the question for the contest. I really stopped and thought about it too, before I realized you went on to answer the question yourself. THEN I went back and really read the first paragraph. Duh! (eye roll at self) :)

  3. LOL, Stacey, thanks for the laugh. It WAS going to be the question if that makes you feel any better

  4. Okay, Barbara, Stacey, Kara, and Chris you are all definitely in.

  5. As you know, I love Preston and Scott! I can't wait to read their follow up:)
    Scott is one of my favorite heroes! I thought he and Preston were perfect together, it will be great getting to visit with them again:)
    Thanks for writing a sequel on them, and for the contest, too!

  6. Hi! Both books sound interesting - can't wait to read them. Please count me in :)

  7. Hi Shawn! Both books sound great! Please count me in.


    Amy M

  8. *looking up from current book* Ummm, did someone say free?
    Okay then, I'm in.

  9. Souns great, count me in too!

  10. Count me in. Would love a chance at winning your book.

  11. please enter me and thanks.

