Wednesday, April 29, 2009

As some of you know, Trust is probably my last release for EC. I have released five books with them now, four of which were male/male, and one of my stories made it into a print anthology (which got 4.5 stars from Romantic Times Magazine).

I'm sad to see the end here. I was always treated very well and had a very good working relationship with my editor. I am also very proud of all my releases there. So why is it the end?

Well, as I've stated on my website and here, for the most part I am concentrating my career in the direction of the male/male genre. That's what I want to write. Both Wanting Sam and It's Only Make-Believe were very well received and I don't want to say I won't ever write another male/female pairing but I don't see it happening in the foreseeable future.

The publisher at EC has made statements that the male/male genre is a "diminishing fad" even though most other epublishers would disagree. Therefore while not outright refusing to take any more male/male romances they are discouraging the submission of them.

At present all my works in progress are homoerotic romances so you can see why that would not make me compatible with EC at present.

1 comment:

  1. That's interesting that they are moving away from m/m. It seems like it's more of a growing genre than a diminishing one. I wonder if they are basing this on actual sales numbers?? Or trying to divest themselves of other lines as well? And the part about discouraging submissions hits close to home (see my blog), particularly since they mentioned m/m as an example of what they would take for an anthology submission recently in their submission guidelines. Hmmm...
