Thursday, July 3, 2008

July 03, 2008

The review of Duke's Project is up at Romance Reviews Today. Check it out, if you get the chance.

The Independence Day weekend here in the United States is upon us. Tonight and tomorrow I am pretty much busy with celebrating, but I hope to get a significant amount of progress done on some of my current works in progress. I've delayed working on Trust for too long. Not to mention all my Amber Quill work that needs to be done.

Speaking of I volunteered to do another Pax story. This one should be out in March 2009 and the theme is reunited lovers. My title is Jake's Regret. I think it is going to revolve around two former lovers meeting again at a funeral of one of their fathers. I have some other vague notions but that is what I have for now. The manuscript is due by the end of November on that one.

Anyway, lots of projects in the works. Since I am almost done with all the edits on my EC work (except Wanting Sam which should be soon) I am getting antsy to have something else for them. Don't want to let that avenue rest for long. I may very well make It's Only Make Believe a Quickie. I've heard from some of their authors that Quickies sell really well.

I've also heard advice from some epublished that the shorter lengths like Quickies and Amber Kisses and novella lengths sell better than novels and they make more money doing several novellas than one novel. This is excellent news for someone like me who can't seem to write long fiction anymore.

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