Wednesday, June 25, 2008


So Wild Rose Press acknowledged they received my contract yesterday so I guess I can expect edits on The Prisoner shortly. That was something I didn't really count on when I thought of all the stuff I want to get done this summer. Still a sale is a sale.

Speaking of, they are doing a contest over there to win a Sony Reader. The details are here:

One thing they recently decided to do was prevent their authors from changing their covers once the artist worked on it. I understand to a certain extent because writers can be flighty and fuss over small details, but honestly if I had been stuck with a clearly Native American hero on my medieval release, A Man Not Her Own, I would have been livid. Apparently some of their artists didn't appreciate being told there were changes that needed to be done and they threatened to walk out. Again, that is all well and good, but I still recall my own experience and would have been very displeased if that cover had stuck. I may have to say no people unless dressed in armor to avoid that with The Prisoner. Anyway the owners send round an email saying absolutely no changes on covers from now on (other than your name being spelled wrong). Meh.

I have about 1000 words done on At Long Last. I'd like to get a full chapter done this week. This book is due after A Knight For All but if you think about it I have to have three books done by October. That isn't counting Trust for Ellora's Cave and edits on existing contracts.

Speaking of edits, I received them for Perfect Man. Nothing major. But that means I have to write the dreaded blurb and choose an excerpt. Man this is the one thing I really do not like to do.

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